The Equinox is here. And with it comes the change of the seasons and an opportunity for rebirth. Living in sync with the earth's cycles provides these ongoing opportunities for reflection and redirection, and here at Tamed Wild, we grab them every chance we can. With that said, I’d like to share some big news regarding the Tamed Wild Subscription Box.
It's been six years since we started this little monthly box, and we have learned so much. We have created and practiced rituals together, collected crystals and learned their meanings, spoken to plants, and curated a whole cabinet of herbs for our apothecaries. It has been a magickal piece of who we are & what we stand for, and we have enjoyed the journey.
In the spirit of new growth, we have decided to shift the Tamed Wild Box into a quarterly delivery instead of monthly. This change was not taken lightly, and we appreciate all of you who participated in our survey regarding this switch. It has been made clear to us that you Witches would prefer a more substantial box shipped seasonally vs. a smaller monthly delivery.
Here is what this new box will look like:
- Aligned with the equinoxes & solstices, shipped four times per year
- Containing 10-12 full-size items
- Includes a seasonal workbook for setting intentions, complete with monthly spells & rituals
This new box will be so fun for us to curate, and we are so excited. Not only do we get to provide you with full-size items, but we can also encapsulate an entire season of magick in one shipment for you. In the sub-box biz, this means we can send heavier items and not be limited by weight. This means we can create a larger box itself, and there is no limit to what we can send in terms of size. This means we can step outside the constraints we have had in our monthly box and really GROW. And there it is, the theme of the season.
More will be announced in the coming weeks on this new development. Watch your email and socials for updates. We feel motivated, inspired, and determined to continue to earn your business.
Aside from that, we are settling into everyday springtime magick here at Tamed Wild. In North Carolina, where I live, the trees are starting to bloom, and the grass is covered in violets. There are signs of new life everywhere, and we are present for it all.
We will continue to learn and grow with you and this community and are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to your practice. We appreciate this community and the support we have received over the years and look forward to seeing the magick you create in the new season.
In gratitude,