Autumn Equinox Letter from Shelby

Autumn Equinox Letter from Shelby

Shelby Bundy Shelby Bundy
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Hey there Magickal Ones, Before we begin, can we take a moment of silence to thank the old gods and the new for it finally being Autumn? Why does this season feel like an exhale? It was not until it arrived that I truly realized how much I needed this turn of the wheel. Seasons are magickal like that, showing up just in the nick of time and the equinox is no different.

Summertime for the Tamed Wild coven is always a whirlwind. Between holiday travels, spending time with kids out of school, creating content, packing orders, and curating new items, we hardly have a moment to reflect in gratitude and growth. And that’s where Fall makes her entrance, slowing us down and providing the time. This season is about just that, reflecting, looking back, and gratitude for all that this year has brought us thus far.

So, on this Autumn Equinox, I would like to reflect and express my gratitude to you, the Tamed Wild community, for all of your support this year. Thank you for your patience with us when we made the switch to our Seasonal Box and our shipping was all over the place. We fell down hard on that first box, and we safely landed in the cradle of this community. Your messages, comments, and emails of support were what got us through, and we are grateful.

Thank you for your honest feedback on the change and for taking the time to complete our surveys. We get to do this job because of you, and we know that. We appreciate your guiding us in the dark and showing us the way. Thank you for being our teachers. We learn so much from you magickal witches, more than we ever could in any college course or program of study. You truly are the best teachers.

Thank you for standing up for us. While we know that social media and the web can be a hard place to live, that is where we call home, and you all are our neighbors. We see you when you are on our front porch, keeping the negativity away, and we appreciate it. Thank you for protecting this space we all have created together.

This list could go on, but I may start to cry, so I will end it here. We are very excited about our new offerings this season and hope that you find them useful to your practice and your craft. This season is our third in the new Tamed Wild Box, and we are really enjoying putting these together for you. As always, we love to hear your thoughts, so please email us anytime.

For now, I am going to brew a cup of tea, grab a book, and curl up with a blanket in the chair on my front porch. Soon it will be too cold for such an afternoon, and the Winter Solstice will be upon us.

Until then, Magickal ones.


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