Looking to study something magickal this winter?
As the days spiral toward the winter solstice, Yule, and the longest night of the year, hopefully, you are surrounded by a hearth fire, curled up with a blanket on the couch, or cozy in bed as the days darken even in the afternoon.
Though many see winter as barren, frostbitten, or downright cruel, a Witch knows that this season is full of magickal fertility and wisdom. Winter is the perfect time to stay inside, cancel your plans, and study that topic or field of study you’ve longed to explore. When spring again arrives on the wheel of the year, you’ll know something you didn’t know before and revel in the spark of inspiration before the blooming moments of spring.
Here are five witchy and magickal topics that we think you might enjoy…
Studying the Tarot
Let Tarot be your guide this winter if you want to deepen your divination practice. Tarot Cards are tools to divine and peer into the unconscious. Said to have originated in Northern Italy between the 14th and 15th centuries, tarot was first called Tarocchi and was a popular game among the lords and ladies of the land. Today, Tarot is a time-honored sortilege for those who are called to study its symbols.
A classic Tarot deck has Trump Cards or Major Arcana Cards. These cards, from The Fool to The World, show a journey and a cycle through archetypes and themes that occur in a story of enlightenment. Four additional suits complete the Minor Arcana of the deck, wands, swords, pentacles, and cups. Follow your intuition, select a deck that resonates with you…and read on here.
Dive Deep into Herbal Medicine
If the plants are calling to you, even from their hibernation underground, then perhaps it’s time to study the wise and rooted knowledge of herbal medicine.
From tinctures to oils to cultivating a garden of your own, there are many ways to work with the plants and their magick. If you’re just beginning your journey as a Green Witch, look for information and books about your local landscape, the most healing herbs grow right outside your door, and also spend some time on United Plant Savers, to better understand at-risk plants in your area.
Connecting with the plants of your ancestors can also be potent magick. You might pick one plant or herb to get to know better this winter, developing your relationship with this plant like you might a new friend. Ask the herb questions, listen, and spend some time writing down your findings. You can work with this herb magically, incorporate it in ritual, or even try your hand at making oil or a tincture for yourself.
If you’re a soon-to-be Green Witch read more here.
Explore Numerology
The ancient Greek mathematician and mystic Pythagoras proclaimed that the world was built upon numbers. If the magick of numbers speaks to you, pull out a pen and some paper and discover the power of Numerology.
Studies of numbers and their meanings reach back to Ancient Greece, Egypt, China, and Europe. However, the numerology we know today is a modern and newly popularized area of study. Numerologists believe that every number carries a special meaning and can be interpreted and divined through some simple math.
Learning the Astrological Language of the Stars
A starry night in winter certainly is magickal in and of itself. However, if you look beyond the twinkle and sparkle of the stars and begin to study their stories, you might be surprised at what you’ll find.
Astrology’s roots are ancient, and were popularized long before the horoscope column of your local newspaper. Astrology originated in Mesopotamia and spread to India. Then, the study of the stars developed into its Western form in Greek civilization during the Hellenistic period.
Astrology entered Islamic culture as part of the Greek tradition and was returned to European culture through Arabic learning during the Middle Ages.
There are many different forms of astrology; read a bit more about the history of this ancient technique, and follow the path that speaks most to you. You can read more celestial musings here.
Study the Myths of the World
Stories are an ancient form of magick, like artifacts from the past, handed down from one generation to the next.
The stories of culture teach about the wisdom of a place. If you’re interested in working with deities, practicing word witchery, building altars, or crafting rituals, study the myths to develop your practice further. Read more about Goddesses and archetypal Witches here.
Which area of study calls to you?
Ethereal Visions Tarot
$ 24.00
In creating Ethereal Visions Tarot Matt Hughes has drawn inspiration from the Art Nouveau movement, adopting its distinctive style and meticulous approach to craftsmanship. Every detailed image in the 78-card deck is hand drawn and colored. Each card is illuminated… read more
Wild Medicine Herbal Deck v1
$ 31.00
The Wild Medicine Herbal Deck by Tamed Wild is a dream come true. Each deck consists of 33 Wild Medicine cards highlighting a top healing herb and its uses. Each card contains a beautifully hand painted illustration along with its… read more