Kate Belew Kate Belew
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Imbolc, or Brigid’s Day, Imbolg, or Oimelc, arrives on the Wheel of the Year perfectly balanced between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.

During Imbolc, we know that spring is on the horizon. Although the ground may still be cold, the plants still slumbering, and snow still falling, we know that the cruelest days of winter are behind us and that blossoms, buds, and blooms are just ahead on the wheel.

The ancients experienced a much different winter than we do in the modern world; however, our bodies still know the seasons and are connected to the earth. With Imbolc arrives both messages of transformation and hope. During this time, working with the magickal world of plants can help connect you with the energies of Imbolc, and with the reawakening of the earth.  


Mugwort is a plant with deep connections to the dream space. In the belly of winter, it’s the perfect time to do a little dream divination. Through your dreams, new ways of being are imagined, just in time for spring. Burn a little Mugwort, or place it in a sachet under your pillow and call upon Mugwort to help as you set your intentions for the spring at Imbolc.


Snowdrops are associated with the Goddess Brigid and her story, who is celebrated at Imbolc. Snowdrops are poisonous to ingest, however, they can be used in plant meditations about the coming spring. Much like the bodies of snowdrops, that arrive earthside through blankets of snow to greet the sun, ask yourself how you’re meeting this new cycle. What beginnings away for you even as winter still glitters on the ground?


Grain is also associated with the Goddess Brigid, and because of this, Corn Husk Dolls are often made at Imbolc as a part of the traditional celebration. Grain is understood symbolically and in magickal work to support rituals of protection, abundance, fertility, balance, the cycle of rebirth, and as a plant of blessings. Imbolc is a sacred time to take stock. Even as we create new dreams and intentions, what are we already grateful for? Grain can remind us to count our blessings, and not take how abundant we already are for granted.


Cinnamon is a wonderful herb to work within kitchen witchery and a spell work practice. It’s known for its abilities to bolster success, support strength and courage in magick, and in purification and protection rituals. When we set intentions and imagine new beginnings, it can often take a little bit of courage to say goodbye to our old patterns and ways. We may not even realize how attached we really are. Add a bit of cinnamon to your candles, altar, spells, or dream sachets to help remind you of your own bravery as you walk through the snow and sacred days of Imbolc.


Legend has it that an angel appeared in a monk’s dream to whisper to him that Angelica would cure the plague. Ever since Angelica has been named after the angels. Because of its roots in medieval Europe as a cure for this deadly disease, it is not surprising that the root of Angelica is used in spell work as a protective plant. It is known to send out the negative and call in the positive.

Angelica is an herb often associated with new beginnings. When creating spells for consecration, purification, or balance, call upon Angelica for support.  As you rest and take a pause in the days of Imbolc, Angelica knows just how to guide you through.

Through tea, tincture, bath, or herbal blend, work more with these herbs (and others) to support your magickal practice in our apothecary here.

Corn Husk Doll Kit

Corn Husk Doll Kit

$ 11.00

Lammas, or Lughnasadh is the pagan sabbat that celebrates planting season and is one of the 3 festivals of the harvest. There are many traditions in a variety of cultures that create with corn husks during this time of year… read more

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