Tamed Wild Tamed Wild
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Ostara, what a time to be alive.

It’s difficult to keep track of the days, let alone holidays and changing of the seasons, but these are our touchstones. These are our points of peace and place. These markers are our anchors, and no matter what is happening in the world, these transitions transpire, and we must follow suit.

As the promise of life and growth coincides with isolation and social distancing, our charge here is to strike a balance within so that we may alchemize this energy, without. We are living in days of the strangest contrasts, which lends us the power to tap into the deepest wells of healing and magick within ourselves. As we strive to be more a part of nature rather than apart from, perhaps the nature that we’re truly seeking and are more disconnected from are the silenced voices within ourselves.

Maybe this pandemic is demanding our solitary presence in order to remember all that we’ve forgotten.

Maybe the Spring of 2020 is to be planted and tended within ourselves.

Maybe the lessons within this crisis are those of slowing down in order to cultivate this new life we’re being called to create.

Nature is calling us to unearth our hushed treasures and discover ourselves.

Ostara symbolizes balance and harmony, two energies we’re being called to embody in the face of the starkest adversities. This is the duality of life – death, birth, un-learning, rediscovering. These are the gifts of the simultaneous seasonal shift and call to sequester ourselves for the greater good. We’re being called back into the safety of our domestic hearths as the external world continues to birth and bloom around us.

Life finds a way, and so shall we.

Ways to thrive during the Ostara quarantine:

~Get to know your local plant life. Study herbalism and best foraging practice. Go outside. Learn what’s edible and how to harvest it. And always, give gratitude for everything Mother Nature gifts you.

~Read ALL the books. Now is the time to dive back into literature and all of the fictional worlds that inspire and give you hope. Keep your mind limber and open. Who knows – this could provide the sparks for a creative project you didn’t even realize was percolating within your spirit and psyche.

~Keep moving. Whether it’s for 15 minutes or an hour, schedule a movement plan in your daily life to keep your body and mind on a fluid, expansive, healthy track. If you can include some outdoor activity, all the better. Walking, yoga, strength training – do whatever centers you and pulls your mind back to your body.

~Create a schedule based in vitality: Journaling, daily tarot readings, exercise, meditation, healthy cooking, virtual communication with loved ones. We can see the present reality as a gift, granting us the time and space to do all the things we’ve been letting fall to the wayside. Pick that journaling practice back up. Get back to daily divination for yourself. Kickstart a new exercise regiment. Subscribe to a meditation app. Brew healthy foods for you and your loved ones, adding as much love to each meal as you can. And reach out to those you love, near and far.

We get through crisis together, not alone. The time to reconnect to ourselves and nature is now. The energy right now is so supportive, even in our physical restriction. There is so much to be gained and garnered in these strange and unsettling times.

Set your intentions for Ostara. Meditate on your plans and actions. Sink into your sacred space. Share whatever wisdom comes to you during these tumultuous times. We all need it. And we’re all waiting for each other to show up, shine, and step into ourselves and our power in ways we never have before. As Above, So Below. We WILL become the medicine of this time. We WILL heal ourselves, each others, and this relentlessly beautiful, miraculous planet we call home.

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