Have you ever stood over a stove and strewn bay leaves, rosemary, thyme, basil, and other herbs into a soup? Have you ever kept a full cupboard of jars, jams, pickling, fermenting, and sauce magick in your kitchen? Have you ever cooked for a group of people who instantly felt better as soon as they tasted your delicious and intentional meals?
Did you answer yes to any of these questions? Then you just may be a Kitchen Witch.
Kitchen Witches cook in their hearth and from their hearts. The dame of the dominion, the Kitchen Witch just knows how to gather folks, feed themselves and others with magick, and tend to the body through food as medicine. Kitchen Witches are akin to the Green Witch and have a close relationship to plants through their many culinary applications. Kitchen Witches know that magick is delicious, and why shouldn’t it be?
If you’re not already a Kitchen Witch (and you just might be!), below are five ideas for connecting to that cooking and cunning part of yourself that can always be found in the haven of the Kitchen.
Kitchen Witches Know How to Gather Loved Ones
Why is it that at every party people seem to gather in the kitchen? Food brings people together, and when your cooking is magick, your gatherings are magick too. When a Kitchen Witch calls, friends gather, they bring dishes to pass, and they indulge in delicious flavors filled with laugher. A Kitchen Witch gathering is just what every friend group needs. While it may look like a dinner party, the participants know that it’s actually a coven.
Kitchen Witches Treat Food as Medicine
Food makes people feel better. Especially when the recipes are old family secrets, the ingredients are grown fresh (maybe even in the garden outside), and the intention is health. Maybe it’s a broth when a loved one is feeling down, or grandmother’s favorite when the family is missing her, or maybe it’s filled with immune-boosting and adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms to help support the body’s functions. Kitchen Witches know the ins and outs of keeping themselves and those around them in good health.
Kitchen Witches Know That Cooking is Magick
It’s said that it’s important to only speak kind words over food as it’s being prepared, otherwise you can make your guests ill. A Kitchen Witch knows that intention is everything and that cooking is magick. A recipe is a spell, crafted with intention and for a purpose. There are ingredients and a final outcome. This spell in the world, a meal, is the perfect way to work a little practical magick. Not only does it come when bellies are empty, but when the situation calls for a little bit of support from the universe.
Kitchen Witches Connect With the Hearth
The hearth is the center of the home. In Roman mythology, Vesta (LINK) is the Goddess of the hearth, and her Greek counterpart Hestia is the same. Vesta and Hestia may be wonderful deities for a Kitchen Witch to call on. The hearth is the heart, so to speak. Every good Kitchen Witch knows how to keep a hearth fire burning.
Kitchen Witches Command the Kitchen
A Kitchen Witch commands her way around the kitchen. She keeps the cupboard stocked, the medicine neatly in jars, and the recipes handwritten passed on from generation and generation, of friends and family. Cooking is ancestral, it is magick, and it comes from the altar of the kitchen. Next time you peruse the home of a Kitchen Witch, see how the stove, cupboards, and shelves are reminiscent of an altar. What energy does the kitchen call in? Every Kitchen Witch knows that this potent fire-like source is a well of great, power and magick.
Blessed be.
Connect further with your inner Kitchen Witch here.
Kitchen Witch Half Apron
$ 16.00
Designed for collecting and holding all of your herbs, flowers, spoons, and spells, this half apron with our herbal design is a much needed tool for wildharvesting and kitchen witchery. Featured in our September 2021 subscription box.… read more