Kate Belew Kate Belew
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During April we begin to open. The Spring Equinox paired with the fiery sign of Aries propels us forward encouraging us to be present, to show up, to be accountable, and to begin again. We rest between Ostara and Beltane, two sacred days.

The Romans named this month, Aprilis, but the origin of this name is uncertain. The etymology comes from the verb aperire, which means, “to open.”

Ostara takes place between the days of March 21-23, while Beltane arrives on the 1st of May.

During Ostara we celebrate fertility, balance, and new life. This is a celebration of possibility, of horizons, of what can be sewn, planted, cyclically honored.

Beltane is a celebration of brightness, of the fae folk, of dance, of love. During Beltane we burn bright fires, we work with Hawthorn, we come together, we celebrate love, we bring lovers together, and we dance in the woods.

Between these days we can consider balance, it is a potent time to plant seeds, to craft intentions, to consider spaciousness, to begin the astrological New Year, and to look ahead towards warming grounds and skies.

Other than Sabbats…

April 1st April Fool’s Day

The history of April Fool’s Day is unknown. However, there is plenty of folklore around the topic. Some believe that it was first associated with the Vernal Equinox and that Mother Earth “fooled” us with spring’s weather and arrival. Some believe that the holiday came from the Gregorian calendar being adopted from the Julian calendar in France. While some believe April Fool’s comes from Hilaria, a festival celebrated in Ancient Rome and inspired by Egyptian myth of Isis, Osiris, and Seth.

On April 27th-May 3rd Floralia

Floralia is an ancient Roman holiday that honors the goddess Flora. Flora is the Roman Goddess of flowers, fertility, and vegetation.

On April 30th-May 1st Walpurgis Night

Walpurgisnacht Night comes from the folklore of Germany. On the night of the 30th of April, witches meet on the Brocken Mountain and commune with nature.

Brocken is the highest of the Harz Mountains of north-central Germany. It is noted for the phenomenon of the Brocken Spectre and for witches gatherings. What is a Brocken Spectre you may ask? A Brocken Spectre is the magnified shadow of an observer cast upon clouds opposite the Sun’s direction. 

Exactly six months before Halloween on the wheel of the year, the veil was considered to be thin between the worlds. Overtime, because of the Christianization of Europe, this holiday became intertwined with an English nun, Walpurga, who was celebrated for “putting an end to Pagan celebrations.”

However, as you can imagine, these efforts were not fully carried into existence, and the mythology and folklore around Walpurgisnacht continued.

Festivities take place in Germany to this day, especially around Brocken. Some dress up, drink, and sing songs, while others pay a visit to Walpurga’s tomb, making this holiday one that holds a paradox within its arms. The eve of May has many different connotations depending on where in the world it is being celebrated.

Monthly Associations

The celebrated stone for the month is Diamond

The birthstone of April is diamond. Symbolically, a diamond can remind us of our own strength. The name Diamond was derived from the Greek name ‘Adamas’ which means unbreakable and untamable.

These stones are precious and are formed by great pressure. Diamond is dependable, can help us to open our minds, and can give us protection from negative forces.

On the Celtic Tree Calendar the month of April aligns with Alder and Willow  

The Celtic tree calendar is divided by the thirteen moon cycles of the year. The modern tree calendar is based conceptually off the letters of the Celtic Ogham alphabet as they correspond to trees. There is very little evidence of the Celtic tree calendar being created by the early Celts; however, it is a point of contention among Celtic scholars. These symbols and themes tie in with Celtic culture and mythology, and are therefore symbolically beautiful ways to honor the different Sabbats.

From March 18-April 14 we honor the Alder Moon. The Alder is the tree of Ostara and the Spring Equinox. The Alder grows between the earth and the river with its roots in the cascading water. The Alder symbolically bridges Heaven and Earth, the magical and liminal space. Alder is known for its intuitive and divinatory properties. Legend has it that whistles were made of Alder to call to spirits. Work with Alder to connect with your own intuition and during divination rituals.

From April 15-May 12 we honor the Willow Moon. The Willow is a gentle protector, teacher, and presence. The Willow carries an ancient wisdom. Willows grow well in bountiful rains, which are plentiful in the Northern Hemisphere during the months of April. Willow knows that water is a great healer.

April is ruled by the signs of Aries and Taurus

The astrological New Year begins with Aries and then moves swiftly into Taurus. The Ram and the Bull, Aries and Taurus can teach us lessons about being fiery, being grounded in ourselves, and about inner strength.

A Goddess to Work With During April is Venus 

The goddess Venus is the Roman Goddess of Love, Sexuality, and Fertility. How can you connect with and celebrate your inner Venus this month?

Monthly Intentions

This April unfurl as if you were a flower, revel on the mountaintop with your fellow witches, honor the paradoxes of the past, investigate your own narratives, connect with your inner sensuality, explore what is wild about your heart, find new ways of being, connect with the magick of flowers, write a letter to the parts of your chart that live in Aries and Taurus, honor Alder and Willow, give yourself over to the rains, begin again.

We celebrate April.  

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