And the time of the midnight sun…As we move into the time of June, we move towards the building heat of summer in the northern hemisphere.
The summer solstice is on the horizon, our gardens have become plentiful under careful stewardship, and we burn fires at night outdoors with both friends and constellations.
The energy of summertime is electric. It seems to move like a river does, effortlessly, wild. Now is a time to connect with our own inner wilderness and to let out a howl at the moon, thanking her for her lessons in each of her phases.
Festivals and Gatherings…
During June we celebrate the Sabbat of Litha or Summer Solstice.
The sun is at its peak. The nights are short and the evenings are cast in a glow that can only be felt in this special time of the year.
Summer’s sweetness is something to celebrate.
During the summer solstice the day is at its longest point, and seems to stretch like a sunbeam across the calendar.
Traditions of Litha
To celebrate Litha build a bonfire, dance, delight in fresh fruits and honey cakes, feast, and celebrate the triumph of light over darkness.
While participating in revelry, it’s always a good idea to cast a circle of protection. The supernatural that was awakened at Beltane, is often known to stop by Summer Solstice gatherings to pay a visit.
It is also wise to leave offerings to the Fae folk on your land during this time. The Fae love participating in Summer Solstice rituals of their own.
Other than Sabbats…
Monthly Associations
The celebrated stone for the month is Amber
Amber isn’t considered a true crystal, as it’s fossilized tree sap, but working with Amber and its very potent magic during Litha would be a wonderful idea. Amber can guide us toward our goals, help us stay grounded, and teach us patience, much like the process through which Amber is made. We too, can benefit from slowness sometimes.
On the Celtic Tree Calendar the month of June aligns with Hawthorn and Oak
The Celtic tree calendar is divided by the thirteen moon cycles of the year. The modern tree calendar is based conceptually off the letters of the Celtic Ogham alphabet as they correspond to trees. There is very little evidence of the Celtic tree calendar being created by the early Celts; however, it is a point of contention among Celtic scholars. These symbols and themes tie in with Celtic culture and mythology, and are therefore symbolically beautiful ways to honor the different Sabbats.
From May 13-June 9 we honor the Hawthorn Moon. Hawthorn is beautiful heart medicine. Hawthorn is a symbol of fertility as well as a sacred tree of Beltane. Hawthorn Trees are honored by the fae folk and the druids. You can often find them growing in sacred groves with Oak and Ash.
From June 10-July 7 we honor the Oak Moon. Oak is a symbol of power and strength. The Oak King is the ruler of the summer months before handing over the reins to the Holly King. The Oak is a sacred tree of the druids and Oaks are known to be doors. Work with Oak for success and strength and to bring good fortune, and remember that the tiny acorn becomes the mighty, mighty Oak.
The signs of Gemini and Cancer rule June
Gemini is a charismatic sign, and is known for its wit, charming nature, and its constant juggling. Cancer is a deep well of emotion and tenderness. They are the natural nurturers of the Zodiac. Connect with the different parts of your chart with both Gemini and Cancer placements during the month of June.
A Goddess to Work With During June is Amaterasu
Ameterasu is a Shinto Goddess of the Sun. She is honored in Japan every summer and has been called, “the goddess from which all light comes.” You will know her for her compassion, warmth, and kindness. You may also meet her sister, the moon and storm deity of Japan.
Monthly Intentions
During June build a bonfire, eat something sweet, celebrate what is light, attend a wedding or handfasting, say a prayer of gratitude to the sun, stay up into the night, stand at the edge of the water, say thank you to the earth spirits, and dance. Consider the sacred spiral, build an altar and include Amber or acorns, embrace your own inner light and warmth, spend time barefoot, leave offerings to the Fae, and remember the feeling of complete wildness in your bones.
We celebrate June.
Blessed be.