Kate Belew Kate Belew
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On the first of May, we celebrate the Sabbat of Beltane.

The word Beltane comes from Bel, the Celtic Sun Good, which means bright fire.

Beltane is a celebration of brightness in the dark of night, crafting big and burning bonfires the Fae folk, dance, fertility, and love. During Beltane we craft ritual fires, we work with Hawthorn, and we dance in the woods around the May Pole. Throughout Europe, on Beltane, a May Queen would be crowned with garlands to represent Flora, a fertility goddess of both springtime and flowers.

Beltane is also considered the wedding of the Great God and Goddess, and because of this, it is a popular time for weddings or the tradition of handfastings.

The tradition of handfasting is a betrothal for a year and a day, after which, the couple can elect to stay together or part ways without trouble. Handfastings, and Pagan weddings are now up to the couple, however, hands are usually tied together in a figure of eight ceremonially with red thread, and later are untied in the ceremony. Tying the hands together symbolizes that they have come together and the untying means that they remain together of their own volition and will.

Another common Beltane tradition is Jumping the Broomstick. Traditionally, if people could not afford a church ceremony or did not want one, they would be accepted as a married couple in their community if the couple jumped together over a broom.

The broom symbolized a threshold that the couple passed over together.

Beltane is filled with spell work and fairies. A cleansing ritual of Beltane is to place a rowan branch in the center of the home and then to carry a lit candle from the front door to the back and to each of the four corners of the house then to the hearth. This would form a net of eight points to bring both balance and harmony to the home.

Monthly Associations

The celebrated stone for the month is Emerald

Emerald is a special crystal to work with during the time of Beltane. Emerald has long been associated with the goddess Venus and is said to bring love, lust, and fertility into one’s life. Much like their color, emeralds are beautiful for grounding and are a supportive stone, which is perfect as we approach the warmer, supple days of summer. Green candles in candle magick can also be potent.

On the Celtic Tree Calendar the month of April aligns with Willow and Hawthorn

The Celtic tree calendar is divided by the thirteen moon cycles of the year. The modern tree calendar is based conceptually off the letters of the Celtic Ogham alphabet as they correspond to trees. There is very little evidence of the Celtic tree calendar being created by the early Celts; however, it is a point of contention among Celtic scholars. These symbols and themes tie in with Celtic culture and mythology, and are therefore symbolically beautiful ways to honor the different Sabbats.

From April 15-May 12 we honor the Willow Moon. The Willow is a gentle protector, teacher, and presence. The Willow carries an ancient wisdom. Willows grow well in bountiful rains, which are plentiful in the Northern Hemisphere during the months of April. Willow knows that water is a great healer.

From May 13-June 9 we honor the Hawthorn Moon. Hawthorn is beautiful heart medicine. Hawthorn is a symbol of fertility as well as a sacred tree of Beltane. Hawthorn Trees are honored by the fae folk and the druids. You can often find them growing in sacred groves with Oak and Ash.

The signs of Taurus and Gemini rule May

Taurus teaches us how to be grounded, how to luxuriate for a moment. Taurus encourages us to take a moment for ourselves and to slow down. Gemini, like summer, is flirtatious. The butterfly of the zodiac, Gemini teaches us how to communicate love to our families and friends, and lean into our own charisma.

A Goddess to Work With During May is Artemis  

The Greek goddess of the moon, Artemis, who is also associated with the hunt, forests, and hillsides, would also be a powerful deity to invoke during this time. She is known as a protector of the forest and young creatures.

Artemis is the daughter of Leto and Zeus and twin sister to Apollo. She is an ancient goddess and some believe that her first incarnation is that of a bear.

Monthly Intentions

Have your own handfasting ceremony, make an offering to the fairies, work with hawthorn, honor your own wild, jump a broom, dance around a maypole, make a crown of flowers, dance, take a nighttime walk through the forest, say thank you, feel the air change, send wishes to the stars, look toward the sunset, bury a stone at the base of a Hawthorn, build an altar, be your own huntress and goddess, celebrate the symbol of the Bear.

We celebrate May.  

Blessed be.

Ritual Flower Blessing

Ritual Flower Blessing

$ 8.00

Flowers blessings can be found in each major religion throughout the world. From Thai water blessings to laying flowers at Mary's feet during a Catholic wedding ceremony, flowers symbolize love, adoration, and respect. Our Abundance Flower Blessing is blended in… read more

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